
Get Grounded. Feel Balanced. Live the Life You Want.

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Yoga 101 Michele Lyman Yoga 101 Michele Lyman

Everything You Need To Know To Start A Yoga Practice: A Guide For Beginners

The internet and social media would have you believe that yoga is all about tall, thin, hyper-flexible women putting their body in very awkward positions. Although we have begun to shift this perspective as an industry, it still irks me to no end that most people are still turned off by yoga because they just can’t relate to these images. And these people could most likely benefit the most from yoga! The number one response I get when I say to someone, “Oh you should try yoga!” is, “I’m not flexible enough to do that.” My response? “Exactly. That’s why you should do it.”

For a beginner, yoga can be intimidating and a bit scary. In fact, along with “I’m not flexible enough”, I also hear, “Oh I don’t know what I’m doing so I’d rather not take class.” I get it - I was once a beginner too! Today I’m going to break down exactly what you need to know so you can confidently sign up for your first class and begin to experience the health benefits of yoga.

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